Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Ronald Weasley

how is that feel if u fall in luv with someone that impossible 2 be with? 
haha.. I fall in luv with Ronald Weasley or Rupert Grint. 
Maybe bcoz his character in Harry Potter and his smile.
He is so cute! I luv his smile so much! 
Nothing much to say. bcoz i dunno how to express my feeling haaaaahaha..
Ron, I luv u. u r soooooooo...cute!!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The past still lingering in my mind.

ya..its really hard 2 erase all the memories...
living in memories make me feel like u r just an illusion.
Are u ever existed in my life before?
yes..u were...but when i think about u..something come 2 my mind.
Is he really exist in my life???
Its just hard 2 believe. Maybe i'm still in denial stage..
denying what happen is just a waste of time in my life.
It bring nothing to me. But sometimes, I feel better when my mind thinking about it.

I always stay in the denial stage. But i know I shouldn't and I can't deny forever.
waiting for the time when I can go into the acceptance stage. 
In this stage, I will say "I'm ready for whatever comes."

For now..nothing much to say. Really...

Monday, November 22, 2010


I dunno y but I dun feel like sleeping. the night very cold. As cold as my life.
Tonight is a full moon. Its really beautiful. How great God (Allah SWT) are. 
Actually I dun really have much to say. But I feel like typing and wasting my time. =p
yesterday was my first day for clinical posting after having terminal xm. 
Nothing special but still, I learned a lot of new knowledge. 
Anyway, it was quite tiring coz I've not been posted in general ward for quite a some time.
I supposed to sleep n wake up early but then, here i am typing n wasting my time. heee~
Just let me type a bit more...
I luv my life... I really luv it! Now, i started 2 learn how to appreciate my life for every second, minute, hour and day. Thinking about the past just make me feel sorrow n empty.
Look to the future is better eventhough we r not really clear about wat we r looking at. heee~
I wasted a lot of my time by surfing the net and sleep. The worse thing is.. I luv food very much!! hahaa..
I really luv food... i like to eat. but my weight already alarmed me that I should ctrl wat I eat. 
well balanced diet is enough.. but how balance my diet is when I'm eating "mi sedaap + munchy's biscuits + Lipton at night few hours before go to bed?? thats really terrible but it also nice though..hehehe
ar....its already 1:44am here. I think I should go to bed d.. my spongebob waiting 4 me to hug him. haha
I'll continue nxt time.. nite myself.. I luv U.....

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

arghh~ betapa bizinyer aku!

aku tatau nk kate pe… aku rase aku tlalu byk komitmen da skg neyh..wakaka…
sampai aku rasa 24jam sehari xcukop utk aku abiskan keja2 aku…
giler babas pny bizi… smpai tdo pon aku rase buang ms jek! Mgu dpan class test 1 da…aku xstudy abes g nih… risau gak kadang2…tp nk wat cmne….tlalu bizi!!!
aku mmg nk study….wat revision…tp tlalu byk halangan….
pghalang tbesar aku adalah FB ni la! giler babun toi…
kalo 1 hari nie Fb dmansuhkan… mmg boring giler ar…
gpon kawan2 aku sume jmpe dlm Fb ni la….
kpd kwn2 dan sahabat handaiku skalian…
lau ble encourage la aku hentikan kegiatan FB ku ni buat sketika…
hahaha…tp agak mustahil la….
apa2 pun…aku doakan suma kawan2 aku sihat n hepi2 belaka hendaknya..aminn….
aku syg kamu suma! muahahahahaaaa~